Full Chronological Publication List
Godzilla: A Critical Demonology
Headpress Books.
Kiryu: Cyborg Reincarnation and Rebel Monstrosity in the Millennium Mechagodzilla Duology
In: Creature Redux, ed. by Samantha Baugus and Ayanni C. H. Cooper. University of Mississippi Press, 2025.
How Popular Culture Launders Torture
In: The Long Road to Closing Guantanamo: Action, Accountability and Justice, ed. by Sara Birch, Richard Kotter, Hugh Sandeman and Andy Worthington. Ethics Press, 2025.
Target Confirmed: Drone Visuality, Dehumanization, and the Weeping Soldier in Eye in the Sky
In: War Faces on Screen, ed. by Mani Sharpe and Katy Parry. Bloomsbury, 2025.
The Ticking Bomb Drone Strike: Drone Warfare and Emergency Ethics in Eye in the Sky
In: Human Rights in the Age of Drones: Critical Perspectives on Post-9/11 Literature, Film and Art, ed. by Muhammad Waqar Azeem. Palgrave, 2025.
Drone as Death Star: The Creator and the Task of Critique
Cinema and Social Justice blog post.
Kill Box: Military Drone Systems and Cultural Production
Rowman and Littlefield: Hardback and eBook.
The Attack Killed Them: Drone Warfare and the Exonerative Voice
Drone Wars UK Blog, 5/12/2024.
url: https://dronewars.net/2024/12/05/the-attack-killed-them-drone-warfare-and-the-exonerative-voice/
The Blackness of the Beast: Godzilla in the Heart of Darkness
Revista De Estudios Norteamericanos [Journal of American Studies] 28 (December): Special Section: Darkness in the American Audiovisual Imagination, pp. 5-35.
doi: https://doi.org/10.12795/REN.2024.i28.8
Devastation Songs: An Anthology of Kaiju Writing
Broken Sleep Books. Co-edited with Aaron Kent.
Introduction, pp. 7-8.
Poetry contribution: Egg (Imaginal Discs), pp. 29-32.
Introduction: Militarisation and Pleasure
Culture, Theory, and Critique 64.1-2: Militarisation and Pleasure, pp. 1-18.
Co-authored with Amy Gaeta.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/14735784.2024.2394417
Review: Godzilla Minus One
CineVue, 19/12/2023.
url: https://cine-vue.com/2023/12/film-review-godzilla-minus-one.html
Surf Nazis Must Die: An Examination of the Red Bamboo Army
Kaiju Ramen 10 (July), pp. 26-32.
The Colour of Monstrosity in Godzilla 2014 and Godzilla Vs Kong
PopMeC Blog, 17/8/2023.
url: https://popmec.hypotheses.org/5186
TERFs Are Drawing on the Same Fascist Arguments as Torture Advocates
Truthout, 26/6/2023.
url: https://truthout.org/articles/terfs-are-drawing-on-the-same-fascist-arguments-as-torture-advocates/
Militarisation and Pleasure: Culture, Theory, and Critique 64: 1-2
February-May 2023. Co-edited with Amy Gaeta.
url: https://www.tandfonline.com/toc/rctc20/64/1-2
The Report and the Task of Critique: Torture, Exposure, and the Spectacle of Accountability
Quarterly Review of Film and Video 39.7, pp. 1619-1633.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10509208.2021.1963164
Blame the War, Not the Troops: Good Kill
Journal of War and Culture Studies 15.4: Special Issue on the Aesthetics of Drone Warfare, pp. 408-424.
doi: https://doi.org/10.1080/17526272.2022.2116187
Rebel Inc., Colonialism Simulator
First Person Scholar, 27/7/2022.
url: http://www.firstpersonscholar.com/rebel-inc-colonialism-simulator/
Finding Redemption for Gigantis, The Fire Monster
Certified Forgotten, 22/4/2022.
url: https://certifiedforgotten.com/gigantis-the-first-monster/
Doom, Détente, Dr Pepper: Godzilla 1984 and Godzilla 1985
We Are The Mutants, 31/1/2022.
url: https://wearethemutants.com/2022/01/31/doom-detente-dr-pepper-godzilla-1984-and-godzilla-1985/
The Golden Hydra: King Ghidorah, Astro-Colonizers, and Cold War Empire
We Are The Mutants, 6/10/2021.
Camp X-Ray and the Task of Critique: Torturability and the Politics of Ethical Recognition in Guantánamo
Journal of Film and Video 73.3, pp. 23-33.
url: https://doi.org/10.5406/jfilmvideo.73.3.0023
The Report and the Task of Critique: Torture, Exposure, and the Spectacle of Accountability
Quarterly Review of Film and Video online publication, 19/8/2021.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/10509208.2021.1963164
Guantanamo Memoir Film Skewers George W. Bush, But Exonerates Barack Obama
Truthout, 15/7/2021.
Rise of the Smog God: Ecological Apocalypse in Godzilla Vs. Hedorah
We Are The Mutants, 15/6/2021.
Dr Smash's Film Club 06: Circle of Shit: The Human Centipede Series (2009-2015)
Repeater Radio, 16/4/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/alex-adams-dr-smashs-film-club-06-circle-of-shit/
Dr Smash's Film Club 05: Marvel's Weeping Executioner: The Punisher
Repeater Radio, 2/4/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/alex-adams-dr-smashs-film-club-05-marvels-weeping-executioner/
The Greatest Showa on Earth: 1962’s King Kong vs. Godzilla
We Are The Mutants, 25/3/2021.
url: https://wearethemutants.com/2021/03/25/the-greatest-showa-on-earth-1962s-king-kong-vs-godzilla/
Dr Smash's Film Club 04: Torture Therapy: The Saw Franchise (2004-2021)
Repeater Radio, 19/3/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/dr-smashs-film-club-2/
Death TV: Drone Warfare in Contemporary Popular Culture
Free Online PDF & Softcover Hard Copy: Drone Wars UK.
url: https://dronewars.net/2021/03/10/death-tv-drone-warfare-in-contemporary-popular-culture/
Pop Culture Portrays Aerial Bombardment of Middle East as “Business as Usual”
Truthout, 7/3/2021.
url: https://truthout.org/articles/pop-culture-portrays-aerial-bombardment-of-middle-east-as-business-as-usual/
Dr Smash's Film Club 03: Pikachu, Torturer: Police Brutality and Family Entertainment [audio]
Repeater Radio, 5/3/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/dr-smashs-film-club-1/
Dr Smash's Film Club 02: Death TV: Drone Warfare in Contemporary Popular Culture [audio]
Repeater Radio, 19/2/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/dr-smashs-film-club/
Dr Smash's Film Club 01: Torture Tourism: The Hostel Series (2005-2011) [audio]
Repeater Radio, 29/1/2021.
url: https://www.mixcloud.com/RepeaterRadio/dr-smashs-film-club-01-hostel/
Interview: The Translator Interviews the Author: Alex Adams on Torture and its Justifications (trans. Iman Marouf)
Takween Creative Writing Platform, 12/1/2021.
url: https://takweenkw.com/blog/3049/single
كيف يبرر التعذيب؟ في عمق سيناريو القنبلة الموقوتة (How to Justify Torture: Inside the Ticking Bomb Scenario, arabic translation.) Trans. Iman Marouf. Kuwait: Takween Publishing.
"It Ain't No Man": The Colonial Iconography of Predator
We Are The Mutants, 3/12/2020.
url: https://wearethemutants.com/2020/12/03/it-aint-no-man-the-colonial-iconography-of-predator/
Drone Strikes in Popular Culture: Eye in the Sky
Drone Wars UK Blog, 24/6/2020.
url: https://dronewars.net/2020/06/24/drone-strikes-in-popular-culture-eye-in-the-sky/
A Direct Line Through Time, and Some Hope: Eminent Monsters
Repeater Books Blog, 1/6/2020.
url: https://repeaterbooks.com/a-direct-line-through-time-and-some-hope-eminent-monsters-alex-adams
Confronting Britain’s Legacy of Torture
Truthdig, 25/11/2019.
url: https://www.truthdig.com/articles/britain-land-of-tea-and-torture/
Interview: Making Torture American Again, With Help From Hollywood
Truthdig, 23/9/2019.
url: https://www.truthdig.com/articles/making-torture-american-again-with-help-from-hollywood/
Interview: Torture and the Bomb that Never Existed [audio]
This Is Hell!, 7/9/2019.
url: https://thisishell.com/interviews/1072-alex-adams
How Pop Culture Tries to Justify Torture
Truthout, 7/9/2019.
url: https://truthout.org/articles/how-pop-culture-tries-to-justify-torture/
Interview: Getting Away With Torture is Easy if You're Captain America
The Outline, 5/9/2019.
url: https://theoutline.com/post/7876/how-to-justify-torture-alex-adams-interview
How to Justify Torture: Inside the Ticking Bomb Scenario
Repeater Books: Paperback and eBook.
Blackstone Publishing: Audiobook.
Political Torture in Popular Culture: The Role of Representations in the Post-9/11 Torture Debate
Routledge: Paperback reissue.
Graner’s Laugh: The Conceptual Architecture of a Guantánamo Rape Joke
Signs: Journal of Women in Culture and Society 44.1, pp. 107-130.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1086/698279
Knowing the Double Agent: Islam, Uncertainty, and the Fragility of the Surveillant Gaze in Homeland
In: Surveillance, Race, Culture. Edited by Antonia Mackay and Susan Flynn. Palgrave. pp. 125-143.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-77938-6_7
“The Sweet Tang of Rape”: Torture, Survival, and Masculinity in Ian Fleming’s Bond Novels
Feminist Theory 18.2, pp. 137-158.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1177/1464700117700043
Review Essay: Robert Young, Empire, Colony, Postcolony
Interventions 19.5, pp. 738-740.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2017.1281399
Review Essay: Neil Jackson, Shaun Kimber, Johnny Walker, and Thomas Joseph Watson (eds.), Snuff: Real Death and Screen Media
Visual Studies 32.1, pp. 92-93.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1472586X.2016.1274182
Political Torture in Popular Culture: The Role of Representations in the Post-9/11 Torture Debate
Routledge: Hardback, eBook.
Guantánamo Boy and the Task of Critique
The Lion and the Unicorn 40.3, pp. 245-261.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1353/uni.2016.0023
Review Essay: Rebecca Weaver-Hightower and Peter Hulme (eds.), Postcolonial Film: History, Empire, Resistance
Interventions 17.2, pp. 296-298.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2015.1000682
The Infinitely Complex Ropeskipping Existence
In: Double Dutch: A Game. Edited by Isabel Lima. Arts Council UK. pp. 21-29.
Terrorism as Sexual Envy: Adversarial Masculinities in Two Fictions of Ticking Bomb Torture
In: Terrorist Transgressions: Gender and the Visual Culture of the Terrorist. Edited by Sue Malvern and Gabriel Koureas. IB Tauris. pp. 181-201.
“What Can Be Infinitely Destroyed Is What Can Infinitely Survive”: Literary and Filmic Representations of Political Torture from Algiers to Guantánamo
PhD thesis.
url: https://theses.ncl.ac.uk/jspui/handle/10443/2388
Review Essay: Jane Hiddleston, Poststructuralism and Postcoloniality: The Anxiety of Theory
Interventions 14.2, pp. 324-326.
doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.1080/1369801X.2012.694700